Our supermarket



Our skeletons are composed of hard tissues that provide us with a solid infrastructure for upright posture, complex movement and dexterity.

Skeletons aren’t just the scaffolding that supports us and gives shape to our bodies – they’re a parking structure, a supermarket, a hardware store, a storage room and a courier service all rolled into one!

Parking in the form of support for softer tissues and attachment points for skeletal muscles to facilitate movement;

Safety service in the form of mechanical protection of internal components;

Supermarket where the body can shop for “groceries” such as key minerals that play an essential role in cardiovascular function and overall health. This includes calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as “special foods” – alkalizing compounds such as citrate and carbonate, which bind to bone minerals and ensure the essential maintenance of blood pH balance minute after minute.

Hardware in the form of bone marrow that provides blood cells (to move nutrients and oxygen), platelets (to repair leaks and plug holes) and “batteries” (to reserve energy in the form of fatty acids).

Storage room for toxic metals, keeping these hazardous substances out of circulation.

Messenger service in the form of hormones that send messages to tissues about blood sugar control, energy metabolism, body mineral balance and body fat.

Aren’t our bodies just incredible?


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