It’s not about the body of the bikini!
Why we need to move and it’s not about weight loss.
I’m a sucker for lists – so here goes – the top 20 reasons why we should move……
Better sleep
Better posture: this one’s a no-brainer for my Pilates fans!
More energy – regular movement increases your overall vitality
Less back and neck pain – strength and mobility work can make your quality of life a million times better
More confidence: mastering new skills and being connected to your body helps you stay grounded!
Overall strength improvement
Cultivating mental resilience – finding that inner strength to combat the tough things in life
Relieve stress and improve your overall ability to manage it
Less brain fog, more brain power
Slows cognitive decline – exercise is not only used as a treatment for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, it can improve your memory and delay their onset.
A healthier immune system: the fitter you are, the more robust your immune response to seasonal diseases.
Improved concentration and productivity in life and at work
Improved heart health
Improved bone density
Become less prone to injury: increased muscle tone and body awareness mean greater safety.
Improved metabolism, especially for people recovering from chronic dieting that has disrupted their body’s ability to self-regulate.
Improved body intuition – a better relationship with your body – after all, it’s your best doctor if you listen to it!
Improved digestion – gentle movements help relieve digestive distress
Enhanced creativity – my best ideas come when I’m in tune with my body
It adds years to your life! Seriously, regular movers have improved their longevity and mobility in recent years!
And these are just a few of the items, but the list could go on and on! Come and try Pilates: it’s gentle but stimulating, and best of all, you’ll be moving your body in an intelligent way!